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This is for the Headstock assembly only.


Representing the headstock at Bersham Colliery. Manufactured out of 300GSM flexcore card and 1.3mm multicore board. All components fully coloured. 


There have been a few changes to the actual headstock design to allow the model to work, but the overall structure is correct.


The wheels will rotate and with skill and with the purchase of a geared motor ( not supplied and currently not for sale by Modelus ) the wheels can be made to turn automatically. 


The main components of the stocks are made out of 300GSM coloured multicore card... this is thin and flimsy - however, when constructed the structure is strong and rigid. The thinness of the material is important as it maintains the correct scale of the material. 


The winding house is available separately.


Height overall - 220mm

Bersham Colliery headstock

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